i got through to Limbaugh on this, but the cell phone died when I was giving the link to the call screener!!
And we all know how hard it is to get on that show!
I am going to get on Hannity if I can...
Thanks for the ping, Race.
That sucks about your phone! Why am I not surprised that the smear campaign on our vets continues?
Thank you, Race, and thank to the rest of our veterans for your service for our country.
If I might point out one thing that will prove this was no urban legend. The Department of Defence changed it's policy on the wearing of civilian clothes because of the way armed forces personel were being assaulted and spit upon.
Before Viet Nam, officer and enlisted types weren't allowed to wear civies and weren't supposed to wear them on leave or liberty unless directed or ordered.
After Viet Nam civilian clothes were encouraged and accepted as appropriate off duty attire.
It may not seem like much but all of a sudden barracks had to make room for civilian clothing to be stored for every service member, and it did away with the military foot locker which was replaced with closet style lockers.
When I went home from boot camp in 1975 I too was spit on, only I wasn't warned not to respond and in the absense of orders I struck back and broke the spitter nose and quickly found my seat on the bus before he found some one to complain to.