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To: beyond the sea
"I did not bring him [Osama bin Laden] here...
though we knew he wanted to commit crimes against America."
Q ERTY6utter failureBUMP

It's amusing how ickes, the clintons, and the entire left are publicly denying the reality of the security mom
and the
utter (and deliberate) failure of the clintons to have stemmed terrorism during the 8 years
they had the supreme duty to do so.

That the left now regards as its savior these two despicable utter failures
says everything we need to know about this
defunct, defective, decayed political organization.

in Kerry's own words

(ABC report)

     discussion, analysis

"It's absolutely essential that eight weeks from today on November 2nd , we make the right choice because if we make the wrong choice, the danger is that we'll get hit again, that we'll be hit in a way that will be devastating from the standpoint of the United States and then we'll fall back into the pre-9/11 mindset , if you will, that in fact these terrorist attacks are just criminal acts and that we're not really at war."

Dick Cheney


"We were not at war in the 1990s."

John Kerry
(missing the point entirely that the War on Terror began in earnest with the bombing of the WTC in 1993 and bin Laden's subsequent repeated (and unanswered) declarations and acts of war against America).


"I think there's been an exaggeration; [President Bush] has exaggerated the threat of terrorism. There needs to be a refocusing. They are really misleading all of America... in a profound way."

John Kerry
Democratic presidential debate, January 29, 2004, Greenville, S.C.


"The War on Terror is less... is occasionally military but it's primarily an intelligence and law enforcement operation.

John Kerry


"The Bush Administration is so entralled by the idea of preemption and American military might. This is the consequence of the policy that regards legitimacy as largely a product of force and victory as primarily a triump of arms."

John Kerry


"A threat that is real and imminent. That is the only justificatiion for going to war."

John Kerry
acceptance speech, July 29, 2004


"Some have said we must not act until the threat is imminent. Since when have terrorists and tyrants announced their intentions, politely putting us on notice before they strike? If this threat is permitted to fully and suddenly emerge, all actions, all words, and all recriminations would come too late. Trusting in [their] sanity and restraint... is not a strategy, and it is not an option."

George Bush
State of the Union Address, The U.S. Capitol, January 28, 2003


"I listened to what Senator Kerry had to say in Boston
[Kerry acceptance speech], and, with all due respect to the Senator, he views the world as if we had never been attacked on September 11th. The job of the Commander-in-Chief, as he sees it, is to use America's military strength to respond to attacks. But September 11th showed us, as surely as anything can, that we must act against gathering dangers - not wait for to be attacked. That awful day left some 3,000 of our fellow citizens dead, and everything we have learned since tells us the terrorists would do worse if they could, and that they will even use chemical, biological, or nuclear weapons against us if they can. In the world we live in now, responding to attacks is not enough. We must do everything in our power to prevent attacks -- and that includes using military force." 

Dick Cheney



New question. Two minutes, Senator Kerry.

What is your position on the whole concept of preemptive war?

KERRY: The president always has the right, and always has had the right, for preemptive strike. That was a great doctrine throughout the Cold War. And it was always one of the things we argued about with respect to arms control.... But if and when you do it, Jim, you have to do it in a way that passes the test, that passes the global test where your countrymen, your people understand fully why you're doing what you're doing and you can prove to the world that you did it for legitimate reasons....

LEHRER: Ninety seconds.

BUSH: Let me -- I'm not exactly sure what you mean, "passes the global test," you take preemptive action if you pass a global test.
My attitude is you take preemptive action in order to protect the American people, that you act in order to make this country secure.

Good Morning America

September 29, 2004


"We should not have gone to war, knowing the information we know today....

"So, it was not worth it."

"You should not -- eh -- it depends on the outcome, ultimately, and that depends on the leadership. And we need better leadership to get the job done successfully. I would not have gone to war knowing there was no imminent threat, weapons of mass destruction, there was no connection with al Qaeda and to Saddam Hussein. The president -- eh -- misled the American people. Plain and simple. Bottom line."

"So, if it turns out okay, it was worth it? -- "

JOHN KERRY (interrupts) :

"...but now it wasn -- ?"

JOHN KERRY (interrupts again) :
"It was a mistake to do what he did but we have to succeed now that we've done it.

Good Morning America
September 29, 2004
for discussion, goto:

Larry King Live
July 8, 2004

"Well, I haven't been briefed [about the new al Qaeda plans of a large-scale attack on the United States] yet, Larry. They have offered to brief me; I just haven't had time."

John Kerry
Larry King Live, July 8, 2004
(NB: Radio City, July 8, 2004, Nantucket, July 17, 2004)

Posted on Sat, Oct. 30, 2004

Bush will protect and defend

Carol A. Taber is president of, a Web site devoted to informing women on issues of national security

In the 2000 election, 7.7 million more women than men voted. Having fought for the right to vote - and in that struggle, many courageous suffragettes were beaten, jailed and tortured - women have become conscientious citizens.

Indeed, after 9/11, when many Americans admitted to knowing not much about this new enemy, Islamic terrorism, women clamored for information. Soon, we developed a new sophistication about the world.

We learned that no country has permanent allies, but all countries have permanent interests; that the United Nations is corrupt, cruel and shiftless; and that former allies could betray us by valuing profit above all else. More important, we learned that we and our children are not safe. In the decades leading up to 9/11, American families, blissfully ignorant of the world around us, became target No. 1 of savages beyond description.

Our reaction? Women's focus groups and polls show we want to save the Patriot Act; win the war against terror; allow guns in the cockpits of airliners; strengthen immigration and deportation laws; build missile shield-defense systems; and stay on the offense against terrorists. In protecting our children, we are proactive and we do not vacillate. We don't want summits; we want showdowns.

This is why President Bush has obliterated the gender gap, the first Republican candidate to do so in decades. He is the right man at the right time for the right job.

We applaud the President for taking a root-causes and comprehensive strategy to transform the Middle East, where tyrants and their terrorist offspring breed. Demolishing two totalitarian regimes that provided aid and sanctuary to terrorists, as documented in the 9/11 commission's report, we freed more than 50 million people. For the first time in history, Afghanistan held democratic elections; Iraq follows in January. In a scenario that echoes that of early 20th-century America, Afghan women wept as they voted.

Through aggressive American diplomacy, Libya capitulated and abandoned its weapons of mass destruction while Pakistan now brings thousands of terrorists to justice. Sixty-four nations, whose flags proudly fly at U.S. CentCom Headquarters, are now allied with America in this war. Even France - a country that was resolved to veto United Nations resolutions against Saddam Hussein while negotiating with him for million-dollar trade contracts - and Germany are now part of President Bush's Proliferation Security Initiative.

Women are behind President Bush in enforcing a forward strategy against terrorists, hunting them down where they live and where our brilliant military is much better trained at shooting back than we or our children are. Of al-Qaeda operatives, 75 percent are killed or captured. All 26 NATO countries are in Afghanistan and/or Iraq. Even the United Nations is helping elections in Afghanistan and Iraq. The military sees our striking progress firsthand; that's why it supports President Bush (73 percent) over Sen. Kerry (18 percent), according to the Army Times. Are we and our children safer? Of course we are, and that's why polls show President Bush leading Sen. Kerry among women, too.

It is the President's most solemn duty to protect American families, and so no president has more earned the right to be reelected than President Bush. Who cares what Jacques Chirac thinks?

Sen. Kerry has not earned the right for us to risk putting our families' fates in his hands. Amazingly, he has voted against every weapons system we now use and against intelligence spending by $6 billion, after the first World Trade Center bombing. Two years later, he tried again, and not one senator supported his irresponsible bill. His tiresome vacillation about the war is, moreover, frightening. Can anyone say even now what his war policy is?

We're about to choose the man who will lead us through the most dangerous time in human history with terrorists able to acquire nuclear weapons and America's families their primary target. John Kerry has stated that, as president, he would sell nuclear fuel to Iran, the world's premier sponsor of global terror. John Kerry is a risk our country cannot afford.

Choosing our wartime leader is the most crucial vote any of us will cast, especially as women are 52 percent of voters. The outcome of this war will determine the future of civilization. That's not bombast. That's fact.

Our foremothers would be proud to see us vote to safeguard our democracy. This is, after all, why they suffered so long ago.

The Web address of is .




by Mia T, 10.01.04
(viewing movie requires Flash Player 7, available HERE)
thanx to Wolverine and jla for locating the audio

(viewing movie requires Flash Player 7, available HERE)

LEHRER: New question. Two minutes, Senator Kerry.

What is your position on the whole concept of preemptive war?

KERRY: The president always has the right, and always has had the right, for preemptive strike. That was a great doctrine throughout the Cold War. And it was always one of the things we argued about with respect to arms control....

But if and when you do it, Jim, you have to do it in a way that passes the test, that passes the global test where your countrymen, your people understand fully why you're doing what you're doing and you can prove to the world that you did it for legitimate reasons....

LEHRER: Ninety seconds.

BUSH: Let me -- I'm not exactly sure what you mean, "passes the global test," you take preemptive action if you pass a global test.

My attitude is you take preemptive action in order to protect the American people, that you act in order to make this country secure.




School Bus
The U.S. Education Department advised school leaders nationwide to watch for people spying on their buildings or school buses to help detect any possibility of terrorism.

School Warning
School Plans, Security Information Gathered by Suspected Iraq Insurgent Focus Concern on Schools in Six States

By Brian Ross

Oct. 7, 2004--Schools in six states in particular are being watched closely based on information uncovered by the U.S. military in Baghdad this summer, law enforcement and education officials told ABC News.

A man described as an Iraqi insurgent involved in anti-coalition activities had downloaded school floor plans and safety and security information about elementary and high schools in the six states, according to officials.

School officials in Fort Myers, Fla.; Salem, Ore.; Gray, Ga.; Birch Run, Mich.; two towns in New Jersey; and two towns in California have been told to increase security in light of the discovery.

Officials in the New Jersey towns, Franklinville and Rumson, were notified by counterterrorism officials last month that their schools had been possibly singled out.

"Once we were notified, we immediately put a plan into effect," said Dwight Pfenning, deputy commissioner of education for the state of New Jersey.

And William Matthews, superintendent of schools in Jones County, Ga., sent a letter to parents, faculty and staff last week notifying them that security was being increased during the election season.

"In an effort to be proactive and ensure the safety of all, we are reviewing our school safety plans," Matthews wrote in the letter. "You may notice an increase in law enforcement visibility as well as other measures designed to provide a safe and pleasant environment."

Matthews said in the letter that the information was not considered a threat.

On Wednesday, the federal government warned schools nationwide to look out for suspicious activity that might signal terrorist activity, and told school officials to be on the lookout for anyone spying on their buildings or buses, expressing interest in obtaining site plans, and other types of suspicious activity.

It followed an analysis by the FBI and the Homeland Security Department of the school siege in Beslan, Russia, last month, in which nearly 340 people, many of them children, were killed.

Law enforcement officials said they had no easy explanation why an insurgent in Baghdad would be gathering such specific information about American schools, some of them in small towns.

And though the information was recovered in July, it was not given urgency until the attack in Beslan.

Ultimately, officials say they are hoping to increase security in schools and heighten awareness without causing parents nationwide to panic.

ABC News' Richard Esposito contributed to this report.

(viewing movie requires Flash Player 7, available HERE)

HEAR THE FIRST VEEP DEBATE NOW! (the whole ball of wax)



by Mia T, 9.09.04
(viewing movie requires Flash Player 7, available HERE)
thanx to Wolverine and jla for locating the audio

(viewing movie requires Flash Player 7, available HERE)

"It's absolutely essential that eight weeks from today on November 2nd, we make the right choice because if we make the wrong choice, the danger is that we'll get hit again, that we'll be hit in a way that will be devastating from the standpoint of the United States and then we'll fall back into the pre-9/11 mindset, if you will, that in fact these terrorist attacks are just criminal acts and that we're not really at war."

Dick Cheney

"We were not at war in the 1990s."

John Kerry

  • "I think there's been an exaggeration; [President Bush] has exaggerated the threat of terrorism. There needs to be a refocusing. They are really misleading all of America... in a profound way."

  • "The War on Terror is less... is occasionally military but it's primarily an intelligence and law enforcement operation."

  • "The Bush Administration is so entralled by the idea of preemption and American military might. This is the consequence of the policy that regards legitimacy as largely a product of force and victory as primarily a triump of arms."

  • "A threat that is real and imminent. That is the only justificatiion for going to war."

John Kerry

"Some have said we must not act until the threat is imminent. Since when have terrorists and tyrants announced their intentions, politely putting us on notice before they strike?

If this threat is permitted to fully and suddenly emerge, all actions, all words, and all recriminations would come too late.

Trusting in [their] sanity and restraint... is not a strategy, and it is not an option."

George Bush
State of the Union Address
The U.S. Capitol
January 28, 2003

"Dick Cheney's fear tactics crossed the line. What it says to the American people: 'If you go to the polls in November and elect anyone else but us and another terrorist attack occurs, it's your fault.' This is un-American. Except the truth is and proves once again that they'll do anything and say anything to keep their jobs. Protecting the American people from terrorist attacks and from vicious terrorists is not a Republican issue and is not a Democratic issue. It's an American issue and George Bush and Dick Cheney should know that.

John Edwards




et's get real, people. Universal health care schemes or abortion-friendly justices have little utility if we're blown to bits.

There is a reason lifelong liberal Democrats like the former Mayor of New York, Ed Koch, and the Hollywood actor, Ron Silver, who agree with George Bush on absolutely nothing domestically, are not only voting this November for a Republican presidential candidate for the first time in their lives--they are, in fact, campaigning vigorously for his reelection.

Ed Koch and Ron Silver are supporting George Bush because they know what all rational, informed voters know--only one issue matters in this, the first post-9/11 presidential election: Who would better prosecute the War on Terror, George Bush or John Kerry?

The choice could not be more clear.




This difference is the whole ball of wax, people.
No less than Western Civilization hangs in the balance.

When terrorists declare war on you and commit acts of war against you, you are perforce at war.
At that point, you have only one decision to make:
Do you fight?
Or do you surrender?

Bush chose fight.
clinton and Kerry -- repeatedly and invariably -- chose surrender.


In an effort to shut down debate on this issue -- clearly a losing one for Kerry-Edwards -- John Edwards labeled Cheney's warning "un-American."

I have news for the two Johns. Nothing is more American than acting to preserve, protect and defend America. And nothing is more un-American than thwarting that effort.




21 posted on 11/09/2004 8:42:11 PM PST by Mia T (Stop Clintons' Undermining Machinations (The acronym is the message.))
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To: beyond the sea
Indeed, ickes, the clintons, and the entire left, by making this ludicrous argument, are denying the reality of the horrific danger of terrorism.

Never mind the presidency. These idiots are demonstrating in real time why they must never again occupy any position of power in America.

22 posted on 11/09/2004 8:52:30 PM PST by Mia T (Stop Clintons' Undermining Machinations (The acronym is the message.))
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