To: groanup
I'm an ex-homosexual.
About half of the other homosexuals I know voted for Bush.
I was offered a full-ride scholarship plus from an engineering university.
I also understand derivatives.
I'm a miswesterner.
I'm a college student.
I took the time to carefully study each candidate and choose which ones I wanted to vote for.
And I voted for El Busho.
8 posted on
11/06/2004 8:07:55 PM PST by
(Hey DEMOCRATS! All your vote are belong to us!)
To: Luircin
Your friends, did they vote for Bush for the same reasons as you?
19 posted on
11/06/2004 8:13:01 PM PST by
(Everyone who is for abortion has already been born. Ronald Reagan)
To: Luircin
You are an ex-homosexual?
So you are what now? Bi-sexual?
23 posted on
11/06/2004 8:15:14 PM PST by
(liberalism - a narrow tribal outlook largely founded on class prejudice)
To: Luircin
I'm an ex-homosexual. Congratulations and God bless you!
50 posted on
11/06/2004 8:23:40 PM PST by
To: Luircin
I was offered a full-ride scholarship plus from an engineering university. Purdue?
To: Luircin
"I'm a miswesterner."
Maybe if you'd never left?
105 posted on
11/06/2004 8:44:59 PM PST by
(Thank you God for giving to the USA our President George W. Bush!)
To: Luircin
"I'm a miswesterner."
Does that mean you actually come from Ontario, or something like that?
111 posted on
11/06/2004 8:48:53 PM PST by
(The Democratic Party is the Socialist Mafia. It is a Criminal Enterprise.)
To: Luircin
If you don't mind my asking, how does the whole ex-homosexual thing work? How do you turn that on or off? I don't think I could become an ex-heterosexual.
266 posted on
11/07/2004 7:37:09 AM PST by
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