1) Steel prices dropped under the tarriff regime, and rose once it was removed. Perhaps if you actually worked in a field affected by steel prices, you might have paid attention to them.
2) The purpose of the tarrifs was not to create jobs, but to give the domstic industry a couple of years to restructure, which they did. See: International Steel Group, US Steel purchase of National Steel, Severstal purchase of Rouge Steel, liquidation of Geneva, Gulf States, and Acme Steel, etc.
3) The Minimills are now in a world of hurt because of the Chinese economy sucking up all the scrap steel available at prices of many hundreds of dollars per ton.
4) Today we have a steel industry in far better shape than 4 years ago. Then much of it was in bankruptcy despite roaring prosperity nationwide. Today, with a general economic malaiase for about half of the past four years, the steel industry has not been so healthy in decades.
5) Bush and the Republicans did much better in SW PA, SE OH, WV, northern MN (the Iron Range), NE IN, etc. than 4 years ago. Surely helping the steel industry played some part.
You wrote: "like the steel tarifs, protectionism hurts more than it helps"
Sure thing chumly, go tell that to R. Reagan. He practiced a little bit of "protectionism" to help out Harley Dividson.
Will you be having red wine with your shorts now?