In the Newsweek view, it can't be anything that Kerry did, or his dumbfounded campaign staff, or his vile fumble-fingered advisors.
No, blame it on poor Teresa...who had to set there munching white raisins hoping that a stroke would carry off this pompous, arrogant jackass of a second husband.
Exactly. It's time for the media to trash Tereza and canonize Kerry
I knew her here in Pittsburgh back in the early 70's when she was with the good and gracious gentleman, John Heinz. In those days, she had NO problems like she seems to have now. Kerry would drive anyone to drink and to drugs! I can't believe she married John-Jaquestrap Effin Shove It S.O.B Winthrop Simoes-Ferreira Al Qerry-Heinz III in the first place.
A freeper said weeks ago: "Kerry -- words like cynical, contemptuous, condescending, and above all....soulless. There is simply nothing there. Even Joe six-pack can see that."
To me, Kerry has driven her to a bad place. I feel sorry for her.
I think this story is an except of the whole Newsweek article, of which I have read a synopsis. You can find it here:
I found the website on They provide the low points of the JK campaign, but suggest reading the synopsis itself. If these reports are true, it is stunning.