I saw Jonathan Stewart on The Daily Show in a bar tonight (with the subtitles on). He talked with Chucky Schumer. He talked with someone putting unfunny captions on photos (HEY MSM, WE HAVE BETTER GAGS, STEAL FROM US!). He made asinine statements against the new "religious furor" in America (as did some other comedians on a later show). F'em. They go home for the holidays and pretend to still be Christians but I see nothing in their lives that supports that posture. They got lazy after high school and college, going for good times and taking a "screw you" attitude to those in need. Charity is not advocating government taking more from your paycheck. You should be tithing 10% BEFORE taxes. I won't say that it has to go to the church or that those who don't are sinners, but there is NO reward in claiming that the Government took it out for you. Forced charity is not charity. I heard Tony Snow or another conservative talk radio host saying that Conservatives are generous. I won't make that statement. I would say that some libertarians are conservative and some conservative are libertarian.
I have seen nothing from the libertarian "do it yourself" philosophy discussing the support of volunteer charity or assistance (they seem to be against tax free status for churches). I would say that "compassionate conservatism" is a misnomer. Christian Conservatism asks us to model our lives on the model set by Christ (no judgment for those who fall short). We give our time and money because we want to help others.