"The Passion of Christ" is exemplary in the way it unmasks the hypocrisy and depravity of Hollywarped liberals.
The same secular Hollyweirdos who went ballistic when "The Passion" became a blockbuster are the self-same individuals who respond to concerns about Follywood's sexually salacious and gratuitously violent output by saying. "It's only a movie (or TV show)."
Hollywarped lefties want us to believe that 24/7 of sexed-up violent TV, movies and music lyrics are not harming kids and not doing irreparable harm to our culture.
Yet these same depraved lefties believe----with the religious fervor of a Tammy Faye Baker---- that a single 15 sec commercial will compel tens of millions of Americans into thousands of stores to buy billions of dollars worth of soap, soup, breakfast cereal and cars.
They can't have it both ways.
Well said, Liz, Well said. The red states are red because we're mad as hell, and the Left and East coasts looks like they've fallen right off the electoral map into the ocean. Good riddance!