where's my barfbucket!
Kerry in 04 (xxx posts) Wed Nov-03-04 03:41 AM
Original message
The more I digest this whole joke, the more I........ PLEASE READ!
I realize it can't be true. No way in hell did the worst president in history get MORE votes than he did last time. There is NO way he won FL by 300,000 votes. He lost the Popular vote by 500,000 last time and I know many repugs who wouldn't vote for him this time but did last time and the dems had record registration.
Lets see.
He lost all 3 debates. (No incumbent has ever lost all debates and won the election)
Approval rating below 50% (Incumbents don't get elected when there number is below 50%)
Florida and Ohio Both were statistically tied or Kerry had a slight edge. (Incumbents need to be ahead not tied or losing because undecideds tend to trend to the challenger) THEY DID more so in this election than in past elections.
So where did the lead come from???????? WAKE THE F*K (cleaned this one up) UP PEOPLE. DON'T GET DEPRESSED!!!!!!!!!!! They stole this one and it is WAY more obvious than the 2000 election they stole. I just HOPE we can prove it.
Lets get all of these rotten bastards arrested!!!!!!!!!
I guess I can see his point... We ALL need to be arrested for stealing this election! If we could only figure out how to do it... Hmmm... Let's get the Demoncrat Playbook!! They would know how to do it!