What he said makes no sense. ALL of the calls are going to stop tomorrow in any case. This is not for the convenience of the Kerry voters.
I don't know what he's really doing there, or what he's doing with names of registered voters, but it ain't what he told you. Call someone in the Republican party. And go out and take some pictures.
Much as I hate moveon and all it stands for, what this guy's doing has purpose. It's a classic example of precinct politics that I often use myself. Once I've identified voters in my precinct who have expressed support for my candidates, I keep them on my "plus" list.
On election day I get a pollwatcher credential and check in periodicaaly with the judges to match my "plus" list with those who have shown up to vote. As the day moves along, I will start calling those on my "plus" list who have not shown up. Obviously I will not waste my time those who have already voted.