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To: Hat-Trick
Where were people like this guy when the Christian coalition said that they would stand by and not vote back in 1992 when they told the world they wanted to teach republicans a lesson.

I have written on this several times before. On all the christians that sat out that election all the things that Clinton did legislatively, militarily and in his office with monica and other interns hangs on their heads.

They have never apologised and confessed to the nation their arrogance sin.

Because of this treasonous act the Christian coalition has all but passed from its national throne of power.

Personally I know of many liberal baptists and fundamentalists pastors and congregants that voted for Clinton both times that voted for Gore and will vote for Kerry.

I am Hhappy to see this but the act of this man and others do not erase what has been done or left undone by those in the past four election cycles.

8 posted on 11/01/2004 11:19:44 AM PST by Rocketman
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To: Rocketman
Where were people like this guy when the Christian coalition said that they would stand by and not vote back in 1992 when they told the world they wanted to teach republicans a lesson.

Please post the quote where Ralph Reed (Executive Director of the Christian Coalition in 1992) claimed that Christian conservatives would not vote to teach the Republicans a lesson. I am somewhat acquainted with Christian Coalition leaders, and this would be news to me.

10 posted on 11/01/2004 11:30:13 AM PST by Zack Nguyen
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