Equally, his presidency can and should be judged on its most fateful decision: to go to war against Iraq without final U.N. approval
So let me get this straight: For everything Bush has done right, you'll damn him because he didn't ask permission from the U.N. to swat a menace to the civilized world. Ho-kay. I can see you're very credible. </sarcasm>
And as for you ARCADIA, do you work for Reuters? 1) Insurgents don't come from Syria and Saudi. Those are terrorists. 2) Name a single war that went "exactly as expected". 3) Your backhanded insinuation that we're better off with Saddam in power and no definitive word on WMD's, than we are with no Saddam and no WMD's, is ludicrous on it's face. 4) I think this ten-times-longer-than-it-needed-to-me diatribe by Sullivan, is just his ego flailing wildly to try to convince himself that it's ok to vote for the wrong guy.
If you're agreeing with that, if you have a hard time getting past that... that is a miserable failure, by your conscience.
Then why didn't we deploy enough troops to seal the borders.
2) Name a single war that went "exactly as expected"..
None, but the miscalculations in this one are very troubling because it was a war of choice.
3) Your backhanded insinuation that we're better off with Saddam in power and no definitive word on WMD's, than we are with no Saddam and no WMD's, is ludicrous on it's face. .
It's the fact that WMDs were the reason for War in a war of choice.