Yes. Fatal mispelling.
Remember the media was all abuzz about the EXTREME popularity and ENERGY for one Howard Dean? Dean was ahead in Iowa by 20 points or so--also in NH and also in SC. It was all DEAN, DEAN, DEAN. The ENERGY level and interest in this Democrat primary was at unprecedented levels. What happened? Dean was a HUGE flub and NO factor whatsoever with voters. ALL THAT ENERGY was non-existant. It was a media created phenomena because Dean raised a crap load of money from lunatice (Soras) left idiots and yet the actual voters in America didn't give a rats ass for Howard Dean or the Democrat primary. Kerry won by default.
So this energy level didn't show up in Iowa, didn't show up in NH, didn't show up ANYWHERE after that. It didn't show up in the polls after the war criminals convention and it didn't show up after all 3 debates the media said Kerry won by HUGE margins. It's all hype, the media knows it and is realizing it JUST DOESN'T EXIST!
Bush could clearly take 37-40 states. He doesn't have blacks enthused about him...according to Fox News...he splits the women votes 50/50 with Bush and loses the men vote by large margins--THERE ARE NO OTHER VOTERS EXCEPT MEN AND WOMEN!!
So this energy that has never been seen before may not be for Kerry but rather the kind of patriotism and national pride that was demonstrated after 9/11! That pride is with George Bush.
And YES Americans DON'T like the direction the country is heading. We have a war we didn't ask was brought to us. We have courts and liberal mayors trying to legislate laws on their own illegally. We have democrats at every opportunity obstructing the President on Judicial appointments and just his programs in general. YES the country is upset with the way the country is heading...but it may not be for reasons Dan RAther wants you to think.