The word "Nuisance" is the smoking gun I've been hoping for. That is to say, I believed all along how frustrated libs are that so much of our national resources these days are being diverted to antiterrorism.
This damning word ties in perfectly to Kerry's recent assertion that the "$200B spent in Iraq could have been spent on healthcare...."
I know Rush and others feel that the Clintonites are somehow trying to ruin Kerry, but I don't know. Kerry looks like he's doing just fine in that department all by himself.
I agree. Terming terrorism a "nuisance" shows Kerry's attitude towards our military and the sacrifices given in Iraq. And he says he can lead our military! Lead them in what he calls a "nuisance"? The disdain this shows is appalling.
The $200B spent in Iraq WAS for "healthcare"...Call it "preventative" healthcare.