Can someone reach the black Baptists that applauded Kerry in church today?
Voices crying in the Wilderness Poll:
What are your thoughts on the evangelical leaders' call for 'biblical' voting?
I wish religious leaders would get inspired to say these things all the time not just election season 48.84% (2122)
I agree with them and that's how I'll be voting 31.21% (1356)
It's no different than a union, business or any other interest group telling us why we should vote their way 11.25% (489)
The Bible is about personal salvation it shouldn't be used for secular politics 2.78% (121)
Other 1.63% (71)
It's just code language for 'Vote Republican' 1.15% (50)
Their list of biblical issues is not my list of biblical issues 0.94% (41)
It doesn't matter to me the Bible has no bearing on my life 0.85% (37)
It breeches the wall of separation between church and state 0.71% (31)
It's bigoted and divisive 0.62% (27)
As I understand the IRS law a pastor may not ask his congregation to vote for anyone from his "pulpit".
But, a pastor who e-mails voting information to his congregation isn't effected by that law.