something is going on with these online polls and futures markets directly after debates. i wouldnt put it past that Scumbag Soros to spend a couple grand driving up the market for Kerry on online presidential futures markets immediatly after a debate..-- the media can then get a hold of the news and report the Kerry surge... its a cheap way to get the public into thinking Bush is collapsing.
Second, these online polls are BS. I swear I had to be the first person to vote tonight and when I cast my vote there was 93,000 who beat me. Also, Kerry has 83%! You know the dems got some liberal computer nerd to write a program that votes constantly in these polls.
I hate THEM! I can not stand the democratic party!
Speaking hypothetically of course, if I had a few bucks and a few positions in these markets, having made some nice change and looking to take some profits, I might sell into a post-debate market that thought Bush won - guarantees buyers. Maybe, hypothetically of course, there were several others that did the same thing. Hypothetically of course.