I think Chris Matthews has been "priming" his own poll. It's 76-24 for Kerry. What a joke.
SOME idiots are influenced by such polls. Let's do our part.
Are any Freepers bothering to vote???? Don't we have over 100,000 Freepers?
These internet polls are not really accurate anyway because they can be influenced by mechanisms and equipment that allows some to vote hundreds of times per minute. But I vote (once) anyway.
You make Dan Rather look credible when a moron like chris mathews reports results of a poll you and he know is skewed. The dnc sent out directives to disrupt post debate (10/8) polls. If msnbc didn't know that I suggest you are not a legitimate news source. The story was all over the HONEST media. Its really sad watching idealistic dinosaurs such as Mathews languish in the excrement they've so proudly spewed for years. Much to your astonishment, the American public has discovered it stinks and is of no value to anyone but YOU. Communism, socialism and liberalism are DEAD. Get over it already!!!!