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October 8th Bush/Kerry Post-Debate LIVE Thread
Posted on 10/08/2004 5:43:50 PM PDT by andrew1957
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To: andrew1957
Thanks... it IS a great thread and a real happy thread :-)
posted on
10/08/2004 8:42:03 PM PDT
(NOT Fonda Kerry and his 9.10 Democrat Party mentality)
To: msp2004
The Catholic church in America HAS taken a stand. They Stand for what is currently favorable to them.... They're scared silly of refusing communion to the people they KNOW to be participating in and/or condoning actions that are contrary to the Church's teachings.
To: Howlin
The group at work said Bush beat Kerry and Kerry was a master debater.....I didn't figure out why they were laughing till a few minutes ago.....
posted on
10/08/2004 8:42:29 PM PDT
(Bush Democrats = Zell's Angels)
To: dolander2002
At one point in the debate you could see him in the background as Bush was powerfully nailing some important conflict and we thought it looked like Kerry was slumped over, holding "himself" as a security object.
To: hole_n_one
I would have taken "Halliburton" or "fair" -- and stayed sober all night. ;)
For some reason, though, I have a wicked case of hiccups right now...
posted on
10/08/2004 8:42:35 PM PDT
(Here by the sea and sand, nothing ever goes as planned)
To: Southflanknorthpawsis
I was thinking that we really need to run to online polls? Does it make any difference?
To: TexasCajun
To: TexasCajun
To: Chong
hahaha, I bet I know YOUR deviant.
posted on
10/08/2004 8:42:55 PM PDT
(The use of intoxicants is one of the distinguishing marks of the higher types and races of humanity.)
To: TexasCajun
To: JustaCowgirl
Colmes is morphing into Skeletor.
To: snarkytart
I was not around a tv during the debate, but from what I gather reading the posts here Kerry said Bush owned a timber this correct?Oh, that was great. Bush responded, "I own a timber company? That's news to me." He paused, and then looked at the audience and quipped, "Need some wood?"
posted on
10/08/2004 8:43:15 PM PDT
(America: Land of the Free BECAUSE of the Brave.)
To: hope
VOTE FOR KERRY on those online polls since they are bogus and the DIMS think they are soooo important. Let the numbers get 99% for Kerry..lets all f with
To: hoosiermama
LOL...........LOL.....and now I'm laffin'!
posted on
10/08/2004 8:43:27 PM PDT
(What's the Font Spacing, Kenneth?)
Wow, even George Pataki slapped back at Chris Matthews.
Matthews asked him about cutting taxes, Pataki started talking about the importance of job growth, Matthews tried his usual trick of interrupting before Pataki could make his point, but George plowed on through, shutting Matthews up, and finished his point that cutting taxes create jobs.
posted on
10/08/2004 8:43:31 PM PDT
Diddle E. Squat
("No, no, noooooooooo! You kept my dogs outside? But they were adopted! Noooooooooooo!!!!")
To: TaxRelief
Kerry's new talking point:
"None of you losers in the audience have to worry about the 200K tax increase, because you will never be in it. It is reserver for Bush, Gibson, and myself."
That might not have been an exact quote, but the message was crystal clear.
To: chris1
I hope not! I agree about O'Reilly, E.D. Hill in the morning and now Brit Hume and Co. can be annoying. Thank goodness for Sean Hannity and Brian Kilmeade in the morning. Is that it?
To: dagnabit
I was there too. I was soaked and had to throw out my boots because it was so muddy, but I didn't care bcause I witnessed W and his Laura march into history. Yes I remember the mud and the cold rain. It was still wonderful. I got a free ticket to a spot worth several hundred dollars. One of the best experiences of my life. I will never forget it.
posted on
10/08/2004 8:43:58 PM PDT
To: visualops
To F'n...this song is for you. I hope you follow your dreams..Just know they are not the dreams of the rest of us.
Dust in the Wind
I close my eyes only for a moment and the moment's gone All my dreams pass before my eyes in curiosity
Dust in the wind All they are is dust in the wind Same old song
Just a drop of water in an endless sea All we do crumbles to the ground, though we refuse to see
Dust in the wind All we are is dust in the wind
Don't hang on, nothing lasts forever but the earth and sky It slips away and all your money won't another minute buy
Dust in the wind All we are is dust in the wind
Dust in the wind Everything is dust in the wind
posted on
10/08/2004 8:44:11 PM PDT
To: Barlowmaker
Colmes vs Rove? hahahahaha poor Alan
posted on
10/08/2004 8:44:13 PM PDT
(One Day at A Time || Blue Angel in PJs)
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