Posted on 10/08/2004 5:43:50 PM PDT by andrew1957
Fox, ABC, NBC, etc. etc.
They all suck in my opinion.
Spinning=Lying. Stop covering it.
Until they honestly say, they are lying about their candidates, they are all corrupt.
Don't try to freep them. If they are junk, they are not going to let them sit there. They'll take them down.
First time I've heard it...series.
I don't blame Dubya one bit for running over Gibson when Gibson was trying to stop him from rebutting Kerry. Enough is enough and I am happy Dubya finally started fighting back against these biased moderators.
Oh God Blowhard-kerry is Not done talking . . . . .zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
"KERRY: The president got $84 from a timber company that owns, and he's counted as a small business. Dick Cheney's counted as a small business. That's how they do things. That's just not right.
BUSH: I own a timber company?
That's news to me.
Need some wood?"
That was sooo funny. Bush should have joked about only making 84 dollars too.
Terry Mcawful is a sore loser. What are they talking about when they say the President lost his temper?
President Bush kicked some major a--, and took names!!
Go Dubya!!!!!
To all here: the responses have to be delivered in less than 2 min...can't fit absolutely everything in.
I think it was USC that did stem cell research on liposuctioned fat and created stem cells from it that could be used to grow new organs or bone.
That should give us all a reason to embrace our body fat.
I wish Bush would have pointed out that the stem cell research ban from fetuses is not prohibited in privately funded research. I think that is a distinction that needs to be made.
Joyce ROCKS!
That is one of the very basics of Constitutional must be in line with the Constitution, not the Constitution in line with law. Kerry is freaking nuts.
It looked like Theresa started early herself while he was rehearsing "I HAVE A PLAN." Seriesly. She looked like she had played the game and additionally, her jacket was all floppy.
Actually, Kerry did mention Halliburton near the end. That's when I knew it was officially over.
I have a plan, I have a plan, I have a plan...If the terrorist attack. I'll piss my pants...
Bush rocked the debate, and you and Jim rock here!
I am consistently impressed with FR mechanicals.
I moderated at ZDNet/CNet for a couple of years and FR makes those forums look like molasses in winter.
Hmmmm? Wonder if he's with my son and his wife (both in their early 20's). They just watched the debate and were so excited and happy about GWB's debate performance...just had to call me to share their excitement...although they didn't mention having any company over. :-)
Oh .... like David Brock vs. David Brooks....
"Will someone please explain what Kerry was referring to with Bush's lumber company??????"
Why yes, Kerry was refering to the woodshed that Bush took him to tonight...if you're looking for some sort of truth from Kerry.....we'll wait up...
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