Some more from LGF:
After viewing this video:
"A friend of mine swears she saw a hearing aid, but AFAIK Kerry is not hard of hearing (not in that sense, anyway).
At 2:43 he turns his head toward the president and there is SOMETHING in his right ear.
This suggests a radio link to his handlers, does it not?
I stopped the stream and made a full-size screen cap and then cropped his head and blew it up nearly 3x. There is definitely something in his right ear."
Then this observation:
"This was touched on in a previous comment, but I think the big thing here was his comments at the opening:
KERRY: I know I can do a better job in Iraq. I have a plan to have a summit with all of the allies, something this president has not yet achieved, not yet been able to do to bring people to the table.
We can do a better job of training the Iraqi forces to defend themselves, and I know that we can do a better job of preparing for elections.
'All of these, and especially homeland security, which we'll talk about a little bit later.'
How does he know what is coming up later in the debate unless he had a list of questions prior to the event????!!!"
Very interesting. On the homeland security quote, perhaps Kerry was just meaning he would get to it later because it obviously would be a would not have to have them in advance to figure that out. But, perhaps he did get them in advance.
On the first issue of an earpiece.....anybody see this?
I am stuck on my parent's old 1997 computer and can't view a dang thing....can't wait to get back to my new one at school.
In that case he was making a presumption because the question he'd been asked was on Homeland Security but he wasn't ready to answer that question yet so he spewed some of his garbage, venturing into Iraq, and then said (to the effect) "we'll talk about what you actually asked me later, I'm sure"
I agree at 2:39 when he turns it appears that something is in his ear!!?
"'All of these, and especially homeland security, which we'll talk about a little bit later.'
How does he know what is coming up later in the debate unless he had a list of questions prior to the event????!!!" "
Because the debate was billed as covering "foreign policy" and "homeland security"