What are we supposed to do about it? People want to pay the cheapest costs possible for the services they receive. Companies have to cut costs somewhere. Companies don't owe anybody a job. Yes, it's a nasty situation.
except for this round of offshoring, consumers aren't reaping any rewards. example - do you have a credit card? they are offhsoring their call centers and IT shops, saving money. anything coming back to you? is your finance charge going down? did AMEX toss you a $50 gift check this past year? MRIs and XRAYs are being read in India. see any discount MRIs and XRAYs coming your way?
your example is true for manufactured products, clothing, etc.
you aren't getting any benefit as a consumer now. in fact, if you've ever called customer support for just about any product (credit card, telephone, cell phone, PC tech support, etc) - you'll find that the service is so bad, that as a consumer, you and I are getting reamed by offshoring, while the executive suite walks off with the booty.