Thanks all, going to burn him!
Remember, Clinton promised we'd be out of Bosnia by that first Christmas! Talk about a quagmire.
Britain's own Labour party came out and said the Kosovo bombing was illegal because there was no UN authorization.
See link:,2763,354103,00.html
Bill Clinton acted UNILATERALY, and bombed the wrong side, almost starting a war with Russia in the proccess.
It was later, after Clark bombed civilian refugees, that the UN took over the peace keeping, which is a combination of Nato and UN (German and France) commands.
Strange that there were no cries of "UNILATERAL" from Kerry and his loony left followers at that time.
The truth of Bosnia is that Al-Quada was operating in the area back then, and Clinton was completely blind to it.
The Serbs were wrongly blamed as being the agressors, While the opposite is true, the Abanians (Muslims) were continuing the genocide of the Serbs, something that was started during Hitlers reign of terror, with Al Hussaini, Arafats uncle, commanding a waffen SS division, which slaughtered over 100,000 Serbian orthadox Christians, and about 1 million Jews in the area.
It was another example of Democrat ignorance of history, and of liberal media covering it up.
Even back then, we heard it was nothing more but an 'ethnic clash'.
This 'ethnic clash' goes back to 1912, when the Serbs finally, after 200 years of occupation, drove the Muslims (ottoman empire remnants) out. The Abanian Uprizing during the balkan war, was nothing more than a muslim uprizing which we see all over the world.
Not only was the bombing of Serbian civilians Not sanctioned by the United Nations, but it was an illegal action in violation of international law.
Bombing of Serbia Violated the UN Charter:
NATO is considered by the UN to be a "regional arrangement." The UN's policy on military intervention by "regional arrangements" is contained in within UN Article 53, which states: "no enforcement action shall be taken under regional arrangements or by regional agencies without the authorization of the Security Council, with the exception of measures against any enemy state..."
Considering that Clinton and his Jewish Cabal never had the explicit backing of the UN, there never was any authorization on behalf of the Security Council thus making the intervention a violation of the UN Charter and international law.
Bombing of Serbia Violated the NATO Charter:
NATO justifies it's actions under its Article 4, which states: "The Parties will consult together whenever, in the opinion of any of them, the territorial integrity, political independence or security of any of the Parties is threatened." However no member of NATO was EVER threatened by Milosevic!
Bombing of Serbia Violated the Vienna Convention:
The treaties signed by Serbia are void because the signatories were forced to sign them. Article 52 of the U.N Convention on the Law of Treaties at Vienna (the Vienna Convention) states: "A treaty is void if its conclusion has been procured by the threat or use of force in violation of the principles of international law embodied in the Charter of the United Nations."
Clintoons illegal bombing of Serbia slaughtered more civilians than Milosevic EVER did!