Reichert will crush Ross.
Your wrong that Rossi and Nethercutt don't have a real chance. Longshot? Yes on Nethercutts part, not on Rossi, he's only a slight underdog. I'd say other then Dashle and Merkowski, Murray and Feingold are the only two realistic incumbents that might lose.
Id like nothing better than to see Osama Bin Murray defeated, but I believe that Jennifer Dunn is the only Republican who could do it. I was very disappointed when she passed on the opportunity.
There was a headline I believe in the TNT - that the Rossi/Gregoire race was a tie. But then the body of the article listed the margin at something like 47-41, Gregoire. Id love to see Dino win, but Gregoire has several great advantages:
- Democrat
- Woman
- Seattle
- Fawning press