"You need a nap. We'll wake you when it's over. Get your medications refreshed, too. Bush won the debate."
No, he didn't win the debate. Kerry won the debate. Bush spent 90 minutes defending his position on Iraq. Kerry came off as a strong speaker that exudes confidence while Bush came off a bit perplexed at the spectacle of this farce.
Kerry is an expert at rhetoric. That's what debates are. They are two minute informercials and Kerry did very well.
Don't read too much into it. IMHO Bush gave Kerry a big boost of confidence that he will take into the domestic agenda debate. Then Bush will gut him like a trout.
I believe Kerry won on style and Bush on substance. Kerry made a couple of real goofs that Bush should have exploited.
Those undecided saw Kerry try to present a different plan to deal with Iraq.
The Kerry Plan...A summit (meeting) and then the Bush plan but faster?????
Come on, a meeting! I simply do not believe the public is that stupid. It is why the spot polls were showing a Kerry win while also showing the voters moving to Bush.
The money issue was also important. Kerry promised Billions and Billions on the war and homeland security on top of the trillions he has promised for his domestic agenda.
A president needs to set priorities and Kerry made no effort. He simply promised more money to each and every program.
A MEETING! Good God!!!
Will the "meeting and Bush on iraq but faster" serve to inspire the Kerry anti war/anti-american base??