When you give the government the power to determine what is and isn't pornography, you're taking the short end of a very long bet.
If you love the war on drugs--no-knock raids, property seizure on mere accusation of wrongdoing, et cetera--then you're gonna LOVE the war on porn. One .jpeg file of a nekkid woman--quite possibly put on your computer without your knowledge while you were on the Internet--and the cops can seize everything you own. Great idea.
It already has this power.
If you love the war on drugs--no-knock raids, property seizure on mere accusation of wrongdoing, et cetera--then you're gonna LOVE the war on porn.
Well I certainly won't concede defeat in the war on drugs like you have. If you don't like asset forfeiture laws then abolish them. You go further, aligning yourself with narco gangsters to destroy society. Conservatives stand in your way.