1. Kerry will be making a visible effort to not be "Kerry-like." He will be trying to out-Bush Bush by being folksie.
2. Kerry will relax his stilted speech patterns, but occasionally revert, momentarily, to his typical pompous self.
3. Bush will be confident and relaxed. He will likely "slip" and toss in a Bush-ism. He will make a joke about how he pronounces nuclear.
What we will hear afterwards (from the MSM):
1. "We saw a whole new Kerry tonight."
2. "Kerry clearly won on strictly factual basis."
3. "Bush seemed ill at ease and had forced attempts at humor."
Bush will gain two to three points in the national polls within a week of the debate.
Kerry: "Wrong war, wrong time etc
Questioned my patriotism
1000 dead soldiers
Over 100 dead just today*
Do you want your son to be the last one to die, etc
I will fight smarter and get us out quicker
I've never changed my position on the war in Iraq
Must build a coalition, build consensus
President misled the people
President has no plan for peace
Blah, blah, blah