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1 posted on 09/28/2004 7:11:30 PM PDT by
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Okay so Kerry spokesman is on record saying that Kerry has six weeks to turn the public's sentiment on Iraq into Vietnam, then suddenly...

MTV (Viacom) stars email campaign to scare kids that they may have to fight for their country (the horror) with the implication that they need to vote Bush out to stop the draft

AOL runs the draft as the draft is a debate that just won't go away.

Jane Fonda joins

CBS runs another bogus story without ever stating the FACTS

hmmm...No there's no coordination between Dems and the media...Viacom needs to be boycotted AND as a shareholder of the public airwaves, I demand that we revoke their license immediately.

130 posted on 09/28/2004 10:17:34 PM PDT by dannyboy72
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This is another left wing maggot blog/lie/creation that has been going on all summer:

June 20, 2004
Exposing Himself: Bud Beck the “Lieberal”
Steve posted in English @ 4:22 pm in Freedom of Speech
Bud Beck fully exposed for the world to see. Scary thought isn’t it? Anyone who reads Beck’s work can tell he’s an exhibitionist who is lost in pompous self-adulation. His liberal sophistry is on display for everyone to see (and hear) on, on his Mountain Laurel Review and apparently behind the microphone of some radio station that’s too embarrassed to be associated with his web site via The Bud Beck Show.

From what I can tell, Beck is fairly good at taking a huge stinking mound of liberal BS, adding a touch of obfuscation, sprinkling it liberally with outright lies, stirring it all up and shoving it back in the face of any leftist nitwit who’s willing to gobble it up. And although Beck is reasonably capable of taking a huge steaming pile of liberal crap and making it look enough like cream pie that his gullible leftist fans will eat it up, when all is said and done, all you’ve got is a big steaming pile of crap. And when I think of this metaphoric pile of crap, at least a couple of Beck’s recent columns come quickly to mind.

In the first of these columns, he tells blatant lies about George Bush and his intentions regarding the draft in an apparent attempt to alarm draft-age young men, who, he assumes, have the same aversion to defending our freedoms as he has. When my friend and fellow blogger on this site, Aaron Margolis, wrote a column pointing out the blatant lies Beck told about George Bush regarding the draft in his first column, Beck penned another column where – you guessed it – he tells more lies in an attempt to refute Aaron’s accurate (if diplomatic) portrayal of him as a liar. Given the sheer volume of the pomposity, arrogance, condescension, and above all, utter BS in Beck’s two columns, it’s hard to know where to begin. But the best thing to do is start with the lies.

First, the big lie – the one that started all this and the one Beck built his original column around:

I explained the Republican heroes in the White House, the Congress, and the Senate have introduced pending bills mandating the nation bring back the draft.

Right now there is pending draft legislation that is targeted to go into effect in the spring of 2005.

That’s right, I told them. The hated Draft will start once more in June 2005 - June 15 to be exact.

Actually this quote from Beck’s column contains a couple lies and a fairy tale prediction. As Aaron pointed out, the “Republican heroes” haven’t introduced pending bills mandating the nation bring back the draft – seditious Democrats did.

In his response to Aaron’s correct assertion that he’s a liar, what does Beck do? In true liberal fashion, he lies yet again:

He (Aaron) cried foul not because it wasn’t true. He cried foul because Democrats introduced both bills.

Now it’s admirable of Beck to admit that he lied. But it isn’t fair of him to couch his admission in misleading verbiage that serves only to confuse his simple-minded liberal fans. Maybe they have kind of a hard time with tough words like “explained” “heroes” and “mandating” (and perhaps even “in” and “the”) but the quote above, taken directly from his column “Graduation Presents” clearly says the Republicans introduced bills to reinstate the draft. I realize that the truth is a tough thing for liberals to own up to but I should think Beck could do a better job of bullshitting his way through this lie than that. Why I bet some of his sharper fans – the ones who skipped that fifteenth beer and/or tenth bong hit the night before – probably didn’t have any problem seeing through that one either. And I’m sure Bill Clinton would be ashamed of piss poor job Beck did of covering up this lie.

Next let’s address a partial lie allowed through purposeful omission. In other words this is where Beck tells you the truth he wants you to hear, which is only part of the whole truth, so you get just enough (mis) information to believe the lie he’s trying to tell you. Liberals are good at this. And what is the lie Beck is trying to tell us? Here you go:

While the public’s attention on the elections, Iraq, prisoner abuse and even the death of Ronald Reagan $28 million has already been added to the 2004 Selective Service System (SSS) budget to prepare for a military draft that could start as early as June 15, 2005.

Oh yes it’s true that “$28 million has already been added” to the Selective Service System’s budget”. But that figure is low. It’s really $28.3 million. And that’s the entire budget of the selective service system, up from $26.3 million in 2003. (Look it up here.) So, to cut through Beck’s BS, actually only $2 million “has already been added to the 2004 Selective Service System’s budget, just a tad more than warranted under baseline budgeting where, as any liberal can tell you, an increase is actually a decrease. The system hasn’t been “dormant for decades” as Beck asserts. Its sole purpose is to register young men in case, due to some national emergency we need the draft and its been doing that for decades. There isn’t any different or more sinister a purpose to it in 2004 than there was in 1982 or whenever it was that Reagan instituted it. So again, either the self-proclaimed “most outspoken and informed Liberal voice in America today!” really is “the most outspoken and informed” and he’s just flat out lying to us again thinking that we’re as big a bunch of dupes as his fans are. Or he’s an uninformed boob who picked up this crap off of the blog of some like-minded liberal who’s engaged his keyboard without engaging his brain and he thought it sounded plausible enough that he’d run with it. Perhaps Beck will let us know which it is. Is he a liar or just a stupid liberal dupe? I’d lay better than even odds that it’s the former rather than the latter.

So through his lies, Beck would have us believe that Bush is apparently, again as Aaron points out, conspiring with Democrats who hate him to reinstate the draft by June 15, 2005, a day that Beck apparently pulls straight out of his ass (behold, the fairy tale prediction).

These are the two main assertions he builds both his columns around. And they are both bald-faced, unabashed, lies. But there’s too much utter BS left in the rest of this column to go unrefuted.

In his column, Aaron outlined the views of some of the men who actually DID introduce the draft legislation. The views and actions of these so-called “men of our congress” (Beck’s words) show that Beck apparently respects them because the spout the same regurgitated and re-worked half-truths and outright lies that he does.

When you examine the words and actions of Jim McDermott, (D Washington) Neil Abercrombie (D Hawaii) and the other leftists Beck cites – John Conyers, and Charlie Rangel – you can begin to cut through the lies, half-truths and outright BS to get to the heart of the matter: Beck and his “men of the congress” probably wouldn’t support the War on Terror if Osama bin Laden and Al Qaeda were marching through the streets of Washington D.C. on the way to the White House. But they somehow support the draft?

Beck and his liberal buddies in congress claim they support the draft because it’s fair in that it hits “sons of privilege” the same as it hits middle class young men. But why would people like Beck who so vehemently oppose war support sending anyone into battle? The truth is that it serves the pathetic agenda of Beck and his leftist heroes in Congress to have more young men be conscripted into war and come home in body bags because it would sway public opinion in their direction. That’s why these leftists are introducing legislation to bring back the draft. After all, it isn’t much of a leap in logic to infer that congressmen who, among other things, would aid and abet the enemy from the enemy’s soil during a time of conflict and call the President of the United States a “fascist” would mind bumping up the body count a little to help their cause. But for right now, Beck has to content himself with taunting his own “well to do” nephew and young men like Aaron with the prospect of a draft even if he has to lie to do it.

If you need any further evidence of Beck’s irrational peace-mongering, witness that on the eve of Super Tuesday back in March, Beck was endorsing Dennis Kucinich for president. How does Kucinich feel about the war in Iraq. About the same way Beck does, that is to say he also supports subjugating our security and freedoms for the cause of peace:

As President, Kucinich will work to implement two measures he sponsored in Congress: the Space Preservation Treaty, which bans space-based weapons, and a cabinet-level Department of Peace, to establish non-violence as an organizing principle in both domestic and international affairs.

A Kucinich administration will cut bloated and unneeded weaponry from a military budget that now almost equals the military spending of all other countries combined. The Kucinich peace dividend will be invested in education, health care, environmental clean-up, urban infrastructure, Social Security, veterans’ benefits, and other pressing domestic needs.

Pardon my ignorance, but perhaps Beck or Kucinich can explain to me how we have a “peace dividend” if we lose our freedoms and our country by establishing “non-violence as an organizing principle in both domestic and international affairs.” Because any reasonable person would understand that, if we followed Kucinich’s mandate, we would eventually lose both our freedoms and our country as we know it.

Through his lies and his endorsement of the acts of seditious pacifists, Beck has proven that he is not a reasonable person. He’s proven that he’s a left-wing nut whose common sense and rationality is skewed through the prism of his unreasonable embrace of peace at all costs and his failure to acknowledge that war, however horrible, is sometimes on of those necessary evils. One of those times is when we are fighting to defend our freedoms against terrorists who would like nothing better than to see us all dead. And that’s exactly what we are in the midst of now.

And because he is blinded by his overwhelming hatred of Bush and of war, instead of putting up a rational defense of his column, he continues on with his irrational screed by insulting young conservatives such as his nephew and Aaron:

Talk is cheap, Aaron. I did my time in my war and I know it is not something the unknowlegable or the foolish should rush in to. You may call what I wrote as “Beck’s misinformation", or “liberal propaganda", or even “lies and bigotry". We will see if you still believe “We all owe our country a debt of gratitude for the rights and privileges we’ve come to take for granted–and there is no better way to repay that debt than to serve your country, especially when asked” if you are asked. We will see.

Then Aaron it becomes a different story.

So sing yourself to sleep tonight or call your mommy and have her tell you everything is going to be okay in your life. I hope it will be. I really do. But the boogie man is out there and he isn’t a Democrat. Not on your life - pardon the pun.

So apparently anyone who was not alive during the Vietnam War – or maybe even anyone who was but wasn’t draft age at the time – isn’t qualified to have an opinion about whether a war is a just war or not. And Beck apparently thinks no war is a just war. Well I would submit to you Bud Beck, that young men such as your nephew and Aaron Margolis, and particularly the young men and women presently fighting for our freedom in the War on Terror have a better understanding of what our freedom means and what it takes to defend it than an over-the-hill peacenick such as yourself will ever have. Because they are looking at the situation reasonably and rationally – not through the eyes of some war hating, Bush hating liar with an overwhelming bent towards pacifism and submission to the enemy at all costs.

If “I did my time in war” is an allusion to Beck having fought in a war (at his age, Vietnam would be the obvious one) it’s obvious that his war experience left him jaded and may have something to do with the knee-jerk pacifism he displays today. I can’t comment on his war experience (if any) because there really isn’t enough information available. But I do know that the Vietnam War was an incredible waste of American lives – 58,000 lost in ten years – for no legitimate national security reason due to the inept micromanagement of the war by a Democratic administration. And his failure to see the difference between Vietnam and the War on Terror – in fact to lump all wars together under the category of “unjust” shows that he really doesn’t understand what we are fighting for in Iraq and Afghanistan – or simply doesn’t care to understand.

Facts are the enemies of liberal blowhards such as Beck. And his liberal facts, like the facts of most liberal blowhards, are like the liberal version of Constitutional interpretation – they think that facts, like the Constitution, are “living” and that they “evolve” much like the positions of their presidential candidate. They believe, as Beck has proven, that whatever BS happens to tumble from their mouths or fly off the keyboard and onto the screen is set up to be fact simply because it’s the opinion of some pompous, arrogant liberal. No need to prove your facts – it IS so simply because some blowhard liberal who claims to have “the most successful liberal talk show in any market in America!” says it. Whatever lie, half-truth, obfuscation, or assumption they throw out there is supposed to be accepted as fact simple because they regurgitate it to the masses.

As we’ve proven here, the only real fact about these two columns (and presumably many others written by Beck) is that they are pretty short on facts. And filled to the brim with pure unadulterated BS twisted up and mixed around in an attempt to make it palatable – and meant to scare the crap out of young men who could be subject to the draft. So all you draft age young men out there rest assured that despite the BS he spouts, Beck has no more of an idea about when or if the draft will be reinstituted than you or I do.

If we ARE forced to re-institute the draft someday, that eventuality is being made all the more certain by peacenick liberal blowhards like Beck. Because they apparently believe that there isn’t any evil in the world that can’t be overcome by conceding that were are just a bunch of evil capitalists who are just as much, if not more, at fault for the acts of terrorists and despots as they themselves are. Therefore, if we’d just roll over and play dead, capitulating to every little third-world tin pan dictator or terrorist leader everything would be cool. Or failing that, we should all just sit around cross-legged in some peacenick circle-jerk, chanting over an over again the famous refrain of John Lennon “all we are saying is give peace a chance” until it’s too late and we have to amass a huge military force in a hurry.

It is the so-called “peacenicks” like Beck who skew the debate, obfuscate the facts and do their damnedest to turn the tide of public opinion against the prosecution of a war that is no less important than the fight for our freedom that we so successfully prosecuted 60 years ago. These people who feel there is nothing worth going to war and dying for betray the fact that they just aren’t living in the real world. They can’t get past their pacifist blinders, their hatred of war and their hatred of George Bush to analyze the world political situation objectively. Therefore, their opinions should not be trusted by people such as us in this country who yearn to live free and to spread that freedom throughout the world. Their opinions must be regarded as what they are – steaming mounds of liberal crap dressed up to look like valid well-considered opinions.

141 posted on 09/28/2004 10:28:51 PM PDT by Grampa Dave (When will the ABCNNBC BS lunatic libs stop Rathering to Americans? Answer: NEVER!)
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"the survival value of intelligence is that it allows us to extinct a bad idea, before the idea extincts us."- Karl Popper

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146 posted on 09/29/2004 12:12:12 AM PDT by Helms (nu-ance : [French, from Old French, from nuer, to shade, cloud, from nue, cloud, from Vulgar Latin ])
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Democrats and the Draft:
Kerry Advocates Mandatory Service to Graduate from High School

148 posted on 09/29/2004 1:18:01 AM PDT by SunkenCiv ("All I have seen teaches me trust the Creator for all I have not seen." -- Emerson)
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COCCO: Absolutely. I would vote for Howdie Doody if I thought it would keep my boys home and safe.

Hey Cocco, put yourself back a few years, say Dec 7, 1941. Would you be so willing to emasculate your sons you wouldn't even have supported them defending their country?

149 posted on 09/29/2004 1:23:06 AM PDT by Casloy
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Sen. JOHN KERRY (Democratic presidential candidate): I will give us a foreign policy that absolutely makes it unnecessary to have a draft for this country.

We already know that. It's called appeasement.

150 posted on 09/29/2004 1:24:27 AM PDT by Casloy
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To:; Grampa Dave; Happy2BMe
This is incredible, imho. I can't believe he just keeps going back for more.

Could it be that Blather gets pitched out by Halloween ??? I hope so.

Media Research Center:
Dan Rather on Bill Clinton:
"I think he’s an honest man."

   O’Reilly: "I want to ask you flat out, do you think President Clinton’s an honest man?"
    Rather: "Yes, I think he’s an honest man."
    O’Reilly: "Do you, really?"
    Rather: "I do."
    O’Reilly: "Even though he lied to Jim Lehrer’s face about the Lewinsky case?"
    Rather: "Who among us has not lied about something?"
    O’Reilly: "Well, I didn’t lie to anybody’s face on national television. I don’t think you have, have you?"
    Rather: "I don’t think I ever have. I hope I never have. But, look, it’s one thing-"
    O’Reilly, jumping in: "How can you say he’s an honest guy then?"
    Rather: "Well, because I think he is. I think at core he’s an honest person. I know that you have a different view. I know that you consider it sort of astonishing anybody would say so, but I think you can be an honest person and lie about any number of things."
    O’Reilly: "Really?!?"
    Rather: "Yeah, I do."
    O’Reilly: "See, I can’t. I want my government to be honest across-the-board. I don’t want people lying."

152 posted on 09/29/2004 2:52:02 AM PDT by MeekOneGOP (There is only one GOOD 'RAT: one that has been voted OUT of POWER !! Straight ticket GOP!)
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Charlie Rangel wants to reinstate the draft because he made comments to the effect that there are more blacks in the military and that this is racist.

157 posted on 09/29/2004 4:21:36 AM PDT by BigSkyFreeper (Real gun control is - all shots inside the ten ring)
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Geez...!! ANOTHER glaringly obvious BIASED piece of excrement from See-BS
164 posted on 09/29/2004 4:33:46 AM PDT by Mr. K
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They just don't learn, do they?

165 posted on 09/29/2004 4:41:30 AM PDT by BlessedBeGod
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168 posted on 09/29/2004 5:05:13 AM PDT by Blue Eyes (Operating behind enemy lines in Pajamastan.)
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Thanks for this work. Another very interesting story. I am just appauled at what is going on here in the US MSM media. It's acting just like the leftist media in Canada.
170 posted on 09/29/2004 5:10:19 AM PDT by hawkaw
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If Bush is President it is highly unlikely the draft will be activated.

What these dolts don't understand is that if Kerry is elected he will be far more likely to institute the draft.

I say this because I seriously doubt under a Kerry administration the recruiting goals will be met, reenlistment will be down as well.

Furthermore, under a Kerry administration the US will retreat into isolationism; during that time Islamofacism will grow and spread. It is likely, as we saw in the 1930's, conflict will not be avoided. It will find us, only on a more grander scale.

Cutting and running (appeasement) only exacerbates and delays the inevitable. Yes, Neville Chamberlain is a live and well, he lives on through John Kerry.
171 posted on 09/29/2004 5:24:55 AM PDT by PigRigger (Send donations to
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Three weeks after he denounced the internet as being "filled with rumors,"

I'm sure this is no rumor either. Hmmmm...

176 posted on 09/29/2004 5:37:10 AM PDT by unixfox (Close the borders, problems solved!)
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I have a phony document that asserts CBS is a news organization.

179 posted on 09/29/2004 5:44:00 AM PDT by Uncle Vlad
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Sen. JOHN KERRY (Democratic presidential candidate): I will give us a foreign policy that absolutely makes it unnecessary to have a draft for this country.

As usual, Kerry is a big clintonoid liar!!!! Kerry will NOT get us out of Iraq, no matter what his supporters think--he has said as much. And under a Kerry/Soros/clinton/clinton administration, we would be very likley to enter into one or more "humanitarian wars", certainly in the Balkans and perhaps elsewhere as well.

At least some Democrats are proposing a draft to support "humanitarian wars".

As for civilain national service, I myself will be doing something for homeland security, in my own professional capacity, and on a strictly VOLUNTARY basis. And I am no longer in the 18-26 age group. Those of us who are able to contribute to homeland security and/or other community needs should consider doing so, without being "drafted".

197 posted on 09/29/2004 7:13:19 AM PDT by Honorary Serb (Kerry is an empty suit, and Soros is his puppet-master!)
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Great work as always, RB. Mrs. Cocco has publicly listed her e-mail addy on the Parents Against the Draft website that you linked to:

Philadelphia Lancaster/Bucks County affiliate: Parents Against the Draft Contact Beverly Cocco, She must be lonely.

201 posted on 09/29/2004 7:23:44 AM PDT by xJones
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Can't access
Forbidden You don't have permission to access / on this server. Additionally, a 403 Forbidden error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Apache/1.3.31 Server at Port 80
205 posted on 09/29/2004 8:37:00 AM PDT by 1066AD
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Kerry said he'd get 50,000 more troops in Iraq to win the war. He implies France and Germany and the rest of his pals will pony up the troops as soon as he's elected, so he can pull American troops out. This is nonsense, of course. None of these other countries are going to cooperate in such a deal unless we hand over the Iraqi oil fields. So...where is Kerry going to find those new 50,000 troops? Why, with the draft!

219 posted on 09/29/2004 11:59:19 AM PDT by hershey
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Crossing guard is a job?
We used to that as seventh graders. For free.
237 posted on 09/29/2004 5:58:20 PM PDT by Publius6961 (I, also, don't do diplomacy.)
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