If we turn out at the polls we will cream the opposition.
If we fail to vote, they will win.
It is that simple. This is why the vote was so close last year. Our base did not turn out 100% and failed to go to the polls.(namely the evangelicals)
The gay issue will bring them out this year IMO.
Practise saying, "President Kerry." Say it over and over.
President Kerry, President Kerry, President Kerry, President Kerry.
Secretary of State Sandy Berger. Secretary of Defense Richard Holbrooke. Secretary for Peace (new cabinet position) Madelaine Albright.
Think of the young Marine in Wendy's with Kerry's bony finger jammed into Marine's chest. Think of the young Marine waking up on Nov 3rd in Iraq to learn that his fate is in the hands of Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces John F. Kerry.
Think of the anti-American Eurabia and Arabia itself celebrating Kerry's victory in the streets of Berlin, Cairo, Paris, Fallujah and Najarf. Kerryhu Akbah!
There is nothing more compelling for us to do on November 2nd than to show up at the only Poll that matters.