leadpenny has a thread on that Lefty on C-Span this morning. Read it and you'll see his "credentials."
Novak poo-poos the women's vote as being up for grabs. He says, there are very few undecideds in very few states and talking about "out-sourcing" isn't going to move them.
David Broder says it was a mistake for Kerry to criticize Al-lowi (sp) while he was in the country. Broder says "increased fighting and increased violence" is what will move voters more than rhetoric on either side. (In his column today, Broder repeats the lie that UNFIT FOR COMMAND is a book of scurrilous lies, just so you know where he's coming from..
Russert asks about 527s specifically Harold Ickes' "Media Fund". and republican's strong group, I missed the name of the republican's 527. , but Russert showed ads from both sides.
William Safire says, finally the republicans are getting in on the 527 ads. Safire says it's right for 527s to be dramatic and emotional. Russert questions when it's Over the top in these ads. None so far have gone over the line, Novak says. These ads like the famous daisy ad are part of American politics. Novak says McCain Feingold is the GREATEST FAILURE in legislation he's ever seen!
David Broder says voters have pretty good radar to sort out whats right and what's not in thee ads. We're dealing with a real war, and people know that.
Russert asks Novak about his column that said his sources in the administration are saying we must get out of Iraq by next year. Novak says his sources are political appointees, conservatives, who think Americans cannot tolerate the losses and the beheadings. Novak says the idea we are going to be taking casualties indefinitely is untenable (sp).
Safire says he talks to some of the same people Novak does, and they do say we gotta get outta there by next year, but they also say we have to win. Safire says, Kerry wants out and then turn things over to the UN, while Bush wants to win. The real choice between the two is between cutting and running, or winning. Kearns Goodwin rushes to defend Kerry, says Kerry wants to win too, perhaps Kerry is saying we need the kind of leadership that can make a fresh start. Goodwin says Kerry has to say he wants to win too.