I think Alwawi handled himself well and sounded truly frustrated with the media.
I think most people respond to sincerity when they hear it.
What does he know? If you want to know what life is really like for Iraqi citizens, ask the expert - John Kerry.
I saw that interview with Prime Minister Iyad Allawi by Jim Lehrer. Lehrer was rude. Not direct, not probing, but simply rude.
Allawi told Lehrer that focus on negative reporting about Iraq "gives oxygen to terrorists."
Lehrer kept bashing away at the negative news theme. Allawi asked why there's no reporting on all the cities in Iraq where there is positive news. He listed many cities, and asked why only Fallujah is reported on.
I kept wondering if Lehrer will be this biased when hosting the first debate. Answer is obvious.
I saw the last 5 minutes and Lehrer was being a pest. Thank for posting this, so I may read the whole transcript.