The reason that the Rover missions aren't getting much publicity is that they're in a routine science phase. They've already made and confirmed the big discovery; that the area where Opportunity landed was once a lake or shallow sea bed. Now they're compiling as much data as they can to get more "insight" into that initial discovery.
A couple of months ago the first batch of papers from the mission were published in the August 6 issue of Science. Most of these were about data from Spirit, and Opportunity has had the more "exciting" finds, so when the Opportunity papers come out, that should be interesting.
Here's some Web sites you might like for more info:
Mars Exploration Rover Mission
Mars Exploration Rover Mission: Press Releases
Spirit's Flood of Papers (provides links to abstracts of the papers published in the August 6 issue; you'd have to have a subscription to Science to read them online)
What is the relationship between NASA and the DND and the Pentagon? How do they work with each other, if they do?
A "Thanks for some Links" BUMP!