I never contended that the people in the theatre were intentionally killed; they were "collateral damage." They weren't going to get out of that theatre alive anyway, and some were saved.
I'm astonished that you think Putin ordered those children killed. Are you off your rocker?
Did he or did he not order the actions that killed the people in the Moscow theater?
So now you're also saying that the Clinton administration and Janet Reno did not kill those kids in Waco?
=== I'm astonished that you think Putin ordered those children killed. Are you off your rocker?
I'm astonished you can feign such indignation on behalf of a "former" GRU/KGB in a reply to someone who quite aptly brings up our handling of Waco.
No Christian who understands Father Abraham's haggling with God himself over "collateral damage" in Sodom excuses same as blythely as do you.