Having a common enemy did not make the Soviets and the US friendly when facing the Nazis, it just meant that we shared an enemy. We were enemies before Hitler, and we were enemies after Hitler.
Putin has been making steady moves to roll back any democratic gains of the past ten years since taking office; now he's suspending elections and looking for a way to remain in office beyond what's constitutionally mandated, and without having to be re-elected; totalitarianism is the natural enemy of freedom, and by default, the enemy of America.
The Chechens have never been an enemy of the US, they've always been an enemy of Russia, and thus far, unless I've missed something, I've read about no acts of terrorism against the US, it's people, or its interests anywhere in the world committed by any Chechen.
They are Russia's enemy, not ours, in spite of the Kremlin's best efforts to paint a different picture.
Right. So why are you complaining about how Putin deals with his own enemies? We didn't ask anybody's permission in dealing with the Taliban.
And, they ARE our enemy if Al-Qaeda has infiltrated Chechnya (it has).
Hardly enemies. FDR actually looked up to Stalin (not saying that that was good, it was not in any form), but you seem to have a binge for either over simplifying history or ignoring all the parts that do not fit into your tactic attack of the moment. You are very expedient with facts, evidence and truth, choosing just enough to give your arguments a veneer of saliency and credibility and only removing the rot from open view.
Whether you were self trained or not, it was a good job that was done. I will give you this, you have agility and as soon as one of your arguments is defeated you just move along down the list and when it is far enough down, you just restart the list.
You remind me of a brick yard preacher who used to come to our university. Man was certifiable, preached from a Bible, but it definitely wasn't Christian except in Veneer at best and did not allow the fact that his outfield interpretations were constantly sunk by students of faith, to stop him. You remind me a lot of him...entertaining, some times annoying but over all only dangerous to the uneducated and gullible.
VERY GOOD POINTS HERE LUIS. I give you some kudos, you were starting to scare me for a bit.