It's good to know that these candidate beat reporters are not simply political hacks in disguise and who are not afraid to be bumped off of the Kerry plane. Wait a minute. This scandal's been goin' on for how long & Kerry's been saying this for how long and we're just now getting one smidgen of a report on this?
New Fox motto: We don't report (for weeks on end) and then you decide based upon the smidgens we do give you.
Additionally, I thought that Kerry wasn't talking to the press for weeks on end. So, if I gather this correctly, Kerry can peddle stories to the MSM but they are not allowed to ask him any questions.
Dear CBS News Colleagues,
Many of you have expressed understandable concern about the disputed documents used in the 60 MINUTES WEDNESDAY report on President Bush's service in the Texas Air National Guard.
Obviously, 60 MINUTES WEDNESDAY had full confidence in the original report or it would not have aired. However, in the wake of serious and disturbing questions that came up after the broadcast, CBS News has done extensive additional reporting in an effort to confirm the documents' authenticity. That included interviews with Marian Carr Knox, secretary to the late Lt. Col. Jerry Killian, the officer named as the author of the documents; an interview with Bill Burkett, the former Guard officer who provided the memos to 60 MINUTES WEDNESDAY; and a further review of the forensic evidence on both sides of the debate.
Based on what we now know, CBS News cannot prove that the documents are authentic, which is the only acceptable journalistic standard to justify using them in the report. We should not have used them. That was a mistake, which we deeply regret.
Shouldn't they have done all of that before running the story?