I wonder how O'Reilly is going to handle the fact that his boy Rather has been exposed as a fraud.
Ofcourse, CBS is still leaving open the possiblity that they were duped by the GOP.
Thus, we need to trace the memo's back to their sources to lay that lie to rest.
CBS will want to keep that floating out there for the Democratic faithful to have something to cling to.
It was a Bush-Cheney-Rove conspiracy, worked out on a strategic chessboard where the figures represented various vulnerable Democratic characters and movements to certain squares represented actions those characters would take if the Repubs did this or that...much the same way a play-calling football coach detailing his analysis of what the opposition will do in response to certain gamebreaker plays.
There's at least one major problem for CBS to keep introducing this possible ploy: IT MUST CONCEDE THAT INDEED THE DEMS AND THEMS ARE ON THE SAME TEAM. Yeah, I know, what's so big about confessing what is already obvious to all? It's called the veneer of objectivity.