Well, what's your problem then? You've got a great guy, what more do you want? And yes, it did take me half my life to find him, but I have a great husband, too. If you've been married 35 years, you're probably about my age. Gloria Steinem was full of horse hockey and her world view has warped a generation. Feminism has been the downfall of our country and I hate to see someone who is trying to be conservative keep those remnants of feminism. It won't work. Just give it up and be glad to hand over responsibility to the men. You'll feel a great relief at not having to be "right" all the time. And you'll also feel great relief at not not promoting socialism. If you don't get the connection, please do some research. (It's for your own good ...)
Are you for real? Hand over my responsibility to men? Because I will not do that means I'm a socialist? God, women like you frighten me.
I don't understand your "Just give it up and be glad to hand over responsibility to the men. You'll feel a great relief at not having to be "right" all the time. *And you'll also feel great relief at not promoting socialism."
I've done a lot of research, but this "give it up" to someone else's authority sounds closer to socialism than personal responsibility.
wow great post.