To: everybody.
I am an older brother of the little girl. I have read many of your posts, and am dying to answer your questions you have had. For starters, someone did their homework, and, yes, you have the right Phil Parlock. Father of 10, participated in Junior Achievement, NAACP, 4 time candidate for Board of Education, 2 children in the National Guard, of which I am one. Yes, the little boy is the little girl's and my brother, upset with the IUPAT guy.
I am one who posted the googled information about your father.
I emailed the union at the address someone else posted along with the photo. Ihope this kid gets charged with assualt
I cant tell you how appalled I am over this. If their is anything we do let us know.
Freepers who has some pull that they can get this little girl a visit on invite to the see President Bush?