Boaters ignore warnings
A spokesman for the New Orleans office of the U.S. Coast Guard said Wednesday that officials there had received reports of recreational boaters still operating on Lake Pontchartrain, despite repeated warnings of the dangers of high winds connected with Hurricane Ivan.
Lt. Rob Wyman said the 8th District Coast Guard office has moved personnel, boats and aircraft out of harms way until after the storm passes.
Maroons. I mean, talk about Darwin Award material. (sigh)
they are talking with one station who says high tide is 0003 Thursday tonight.
We're here in Bham and the reports are that we will have tropical force winds tomorrow.
We have heard a lot of folks are staying put in Mobile and Destin and Fairhope. I'm concerned for all of them.
I would not stay in that kind of wind. We've had 65 mile a hour winds on this mountain where we live. Our brick house shuddered! I don't think I would stay anywhere around where there are 150 mile an hour winds!
We have hunkered everything down here. Taken down our flags, layed down outside funiture, and brought in what wasn't heavy, and are going to get batteries and groceries, in a short-short!