Our local talk radio person just read a statement that said CBS is not going to discuss it on the news tonight.
You're kidding?
Drudge scammed us again!
I had called CBS earlier today, and the person I spoke to said that this would be discussed on CBS Evening News tonight. If they're not going to mention it, then they must have realized they're wrong.
CBS Just said they are
I just sent an E-mail to evening@cbsnews.com regading Watergate/Rathergate. Both involved an attempt to tamper with a federal election. From Watergate some may have learned that a cover up is not a good long term strategy. I suggested that CBS might want to offer a prompt acknowledgement and issue an apology for this third rate effort. It appears that Rather is going to utilize Nixon's strategy. This could be a long ordeal for Dan and CBS.
Let the CBS HQ know you think they were forged, and won't be watching them anymore, unless you hear a retraction has occurred. (212) 975-4321 Or, just tell them they are liars.