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To: TaxRelief


4 posted on 09/03/2004 8:09:40 AM PDT by xrp
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To: xrp
There is only one way to win a fight with an enemy of this type, and unfortunately, it requires the commission of what are currently considered "war crimes". For example, the Russians could destroy a town of 10,000 Chechens. They could then say, for each child you kill, we will kill 1,000 Chechens. If you kill all these children, then there won't be any more Chechens, and then we will sell plots in Chechnya to Russian settlers, and make a big memorial to all the children. That's how you win. I don't know how you live with yourself after, but that's how you keep from being slaughtered by Muslims who don't respect anything civilized. Perhaps after you win, you can restore civilized rules. You have to be willing to respond in kind to what they are doing, or they have the advantage. I think there should be an exception to war crime law, that says that if you are responding to war crimes committed against you, and are required to do so in order to win the war, then you can commit atrocities as a response.

The British understood this when they firebombed Dresden. It was near the end of the war, and it was a message to the Germans--"don't ever pull this s*&t again!" It was probably a war crime, but it was also probably justified.

96 posted on 09/03/2004 8:38:17 AM PDT by Defiant (The Democrat ticket has Johnarea, an STD (SocialisticallyTransmitted Disease).)
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To: xrp

I have been thinking about atom bombs all day. I am sick and tired of these islamofacist.

144 posted on 09/03/2004 9:12:58 AM PDT by SeeRushToldU_So (Shut up and sing. I don't care what you think.)
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To: xrp


Wrong. The problem is with the Arab world. Putin needs to adopt President's Bush's Doctrine and join the US in regine change. Chechnya is just a symptom, not the root cause. Take the fight to the Arab world.

170 posted on 09/03/2004 9:55:40 AM PDT by mpreston
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To: xrp; TaxRelief; federal
How the Romans Fight The Enemy:

The good old days with no MEDIA.

Third Punic War:

Consul. Public Cornelius Scipio Aemilianus took command and immediately made strides. Forcing the enemy to withdraw within the city of Carthage, he blockaded the harbor to prevent supply and laid waste to the countryside. By the winter of 147/146 BC, the Romans occupied the outskirts of Carthage and were prepared for the attack.

The spring of 146 BC opened the assault on the city. 6 days of brutal street fighting was a testament to Carthaginian resistance and Roman resolve.

First capturing the walls, then surrounding the citadel, the Romans were free to wreak havoc on the civilian population.

Before the final Carthaginian surrender, a city of some 700,000 people was reduced to 50,000 defenders. Upon finally giving up, these remaining forces were rounded up and sold into slavery.

In the aftermath, despite Scipio’s objections, he was order to raze the city. Taking every bit of plunder they could, the Romans destroyed the harbor, demolished the large stone structures and burned the city for 10 days.

(Despite popular opinion, the salting of the land afterward to prevent repopulation was a story added after the fact and may not have happened at all.) However, a good idea.

Carthage was destroyed, and would not be rebuilt successfully for another 150 years until the reign of Augustus.


(If Mecca doesn't allow other religions in their city then Islam should never be allow in other cities and if the Islamic terrorist keeps it up Mecca should mirror Carthage to send a message.)

235 posted on 09/03/2004 10:58:36 AM PDT by Major_Risktaker ("Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Those Who Threaten It.")
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To: xrp
rm -r CHECHNYA.*

My thoughts to a tee

281 posted on 09/03/2004 1:09:01 PM PDT by SERE_DOC ("9 out of the 10 voices in my head told me to go home & clean my weapons!")
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