To: TaxRelief
Send these pictures to Hollywood!
To: truthseeker2
Send these pictures to Hollywood!Oh, you can bet Michael Moore will use the pictures in his next crockumentary to blame Bush.
33 posted on
09/03/2004 8:17:12 AM PDT by
(Oh, I wish I was in Dixie...)
To: truthseeker2
No.... They would only turn it into a movie about poor kids caught in a fight between the Rebels (read poor working man fighting for his rights.) vs. The Man (the evil mother russia.) Hollywood would make these guys into Martyrs.
150 posted on
09/03/2004 9:19:46 AM PDT by
(Zell Miller for Secretary of Defense against liberals! (jeez spitballs.. now thats funny!))
To: truthseeker2; All
Send these pictures to Hollywood!...that AND wave them as large posters at every Kerry rally!
200 posted on
09/03/2004 10:24:10 AM PDT by
(Zell on with Imus, re: Kerry: "What kind of a man wears Spandex?")
To: truthseeker2
Send these pictures to Hollywood! Send these pictures to Michael Moore; tell Mickey these dead kids are Bush's fault.
336 posted on
09/03/2004 7:13:06 PM PDT by
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