We shouldn't be so self- righteous here.
The same conditions are being created HERE by our OWN government.
Recently, there was a "lottery" to select at random thousands of individuals to nationalize as American citizens. The countries from which these individuals were selected were selected on the basis of being "under-represented" in our population.
Guess what one of the major countries was. Egypt.
That's right. The U.S. government is giving preferential treatment over Chinese, Irishmen, etc. to EGYPTIANS!!! The same kind of people who constituted the larger elements of the 9-1-1 kooks.
Every Mosque, every Madrasseh on U.S. and western soil is a blemish on the face of western civlization.
The slience from the world Islamic community over what is going on in that school in Russia is deafening. And what happened there, can and WILL happen here, once the critical mass of Muslims in the U.S. reaches the combustion point.
Not even close.
I agree. The mo-slimes would love to murder American children; and, as we continue to bring them in, it WILL happen.