Wow Zell telling CNN panel that he has documentation of Kerry's votes knowing that when he spoke to PEOPLE LIKE YOU who recite the dem line, that I'd have something to back it up. Judy and even Wolf are stammering. Now Wolf tells him he seemed very angry when he spoke tonight and his appearance may backfire his cause tonight!
It got better as he called the CNN panel on the carpet saying he knew when he spoke to PEOPLE LIKE YOU who recite the dem line, that I'd have the documentation of Kerry's record. Woooo hoooo
Sheesh....ZELL Should be ANGRY at the DEMS.....they've become Socialist/communists since he began, but he can't come right out and SAY THAT!!!!
He skewered the talking heads? LOLOL I adore Zell!!
I've never seen such straight-talking, unvarnished truth being presented by a politician, much less a democrat. This is a history-making convention.