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To: jerrydavenport
But by what logic can you maintain the stigma against those acts? If freedom means "freedom for everyone" then it means freedom for everyone, even those you find most intolerable.

I know I won't win this argument. I think that many good hearted people (I used to be one) really want to just ignore this and live and let live. I have changed my mind on the subject because I have realized that in this case, it is impossible. When the SCOTUS made sodomy a constitutional right, they took away the logical foundation for many things we value. The courts will keep equating their constitutionally protected sex act with normal sex in any way they can. If they can't get the word "marriage" then they will get everything but. If someone has a mind to, they can sue and demand constitutional protection for other bedroom behaviors. And who is to say that age matters. It doesn't in abortion. It likely won't regarding sodomy (see Kansas Matthew Limon case).

Gay activists have been at this a long time. They know that they must first establish legal precedents and foundations. They package these things in pretty liberty language, but don't kid yourself. You'd better not be for anything on their side until you get an attorney to look at the full ramifications.

22 posted on 08/24/2004 2:08:54 PM PDT by The Ghost of FReepers Past (Legislatures are so outdated. If you want real political victory, take your issue to court.)
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To: The Ghost of FReepers Past

This is a debate i would rather not get into.

All these acts that you mentioned are sick and against basic human nature or accepted social norms.

But then we do believe in individual liberties and keeping the state out of our individual lives.

I would rather that peer and social pressure be used to condemn these issues rather than drag the state into it.

Christianity is for our own good. Every sin has a logical explaination and is there to prevent turmoil and the disintegration of the society.

But then christ himself was very tolerant of others.

Sex with a child or animals would be no different than rape, and as such extremely abusive towards and harming another life.

It just can't be allowed to take place.

Sex within the family ,not only leads to genetic abnormalities, it deeply destroys the reltionships within the basic building unit of a family, that our society is weaved out of.

Again, it can't be allowed to take place.

Sex with another person of the same sex is against basic human nature and the reproductive cyle. It is revolting and could ultimately put a strain on the society.

But what about individual liberties and how far does the state intrude into a person's personal life.

these practices have in the past been held in check more so by social taboos than state control.

i don't want to get into this debate, yet.

39 posted on 08/24/2004 2:26:17 PM PDT by jerrydavenport
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