I am a Reagan Republican since about 1965. I will be a Reagan Republican as long as I live. I am enthusiastic in supporting Dubya who is much closer to Reagan in ideas than was Bush the Elder. Keyes is a very fine part of the Reagan legacy to the GOP and to America, though there are differences in personality and style.
I am a Roman Catholic. Eternal Vigilance is an evangelical. I have not read this entire thread but I suspect, from knowing EV by internet that he is quite unlikely to have said anything with which I would disagree.
Abortion is the American Holocaust and has sliced, diced and hamburgerized more than forty million innocent babies in our nation since Herod Blackmun's decision in 1973. The opposition and policy militance of serious Christians of whatever persuasion and many others who are non-Christian against this slaughter will not recede or abate. Homosexuality is also an abomination and is not going to be accepted as normal by anyone genuinely Christian.
One thing that utterly angers the libertine set is that opposition to abortion and to homosexuality and, therefore, support for Western Civilization (not French, not Belgian, not Swedish for three examples but Western) are forces that can unify Christianity on a day-to-day practical and operational basis and then unite those Christians with others in defense of morality. Bank robbers don't like laws against bank robbery. Rapists don't like laws against rape. Muggers don't like laws against mugging. Frauds don't like laws against fraud.
There are those who do not like laws against abortion or against homosexuality. Guess who the people are who do not like those laws.
I'm not sure I see your point. I don't want Barack Obama to reach national prominence either. I agree that President Bush is closer to Reagan than any president we've had since, and I think he may be more conservative in some ways. During the Reagan retrospectives, I was amazed at the similarities between Reagan and Bush II.
I'm not pro-abortion, and I think President Bush has supported the pro-life cause very well. IIRC, cutting payments for certain abortions overseas was one of his first acts as President.
So far as Keyes goes, it's the "differences in personality and style" that concern me. I was quite offended by some of Keyes' actions during and just after the last election, and I've come to the conclusion that, unless he changes his approach, he's unelectable. I am also afraid that in some ways (such as "I am not a Bush Republican!") Keyes does more harm than good to the conservative cause overall, if you agree that at present the Republican party is the only viable representative of conservatism.