These are the people Dufus surrounds himself with. The Democratic Party-the one that is intolerant of anyone who thinks differently, the one where anything goes, if it feels good than do it. It is beyond frightening that this guy(Dufus) was actually nominated to run for President by the Party of the Loons.
Maybe they'll get someone more credible and sharp to step in for him. Someone like - Walter Mondale! Bwahahahaha!
Here is some honest to goodness good news- Just yesterday a life long froth at the mouth liberal confided in me that SHE ACTUALLY AGREED with me that my opinion of m. moore's recent cinematic fart fest was nothing but cheap 'lipstick on a pig' propaganda. She even threw out her copy of "dud, where's my testes" or whatever that book he scratched out is called.
"Dufus" That is perfect D.U.F.U.S. "Democratic Underground for Ultimate Stupidity" OR "Democrats United for Ultimate Stupidity"