Geraldo,"Tonight we'll examine a deadly trend that has been sweeping the Internet recently. That's right! Troll infestation. I swear, I would strangle those trolls with my bare hands"
Pot meet kettle. Geraldo and his liberal biased journalist ilk have been media "trolls" since the beginning of print, radio and television. I would like to know who they have to answer to besides their editors? Who peeks into their closets and rattles their skeletons? Journalists, self appointed moderators of life, what a joke. I am sure Geraldo's ex-wives would like to strangle his philandering neck too. Nothing like a tyrant who demands control. Yawn, go away narcissis Geraldo, you're not too sexy for your shirt.
(Opens Al Capone's vault. It's empty.)
DAMN! Now I'll have to get a real job.