He was given an honest response to his reply, and he posts a second derogatory remark about women to that reply to total two.
No, this is a guy who has issues with the court system and the fact that his constitutional rights have been stripped from him. I am in a wonderful second marriage. My wife understands the issues.
You two are right out of the NOW playbook. Femi-Nazis are plentiful in this country. Why you're here on FR is a mystery to me. Do a little research. The percentage of divorces initiated by women. The child support awards. The lack of due process in divorce/custody hearings. Indentured servitude for men paying support. You call yourselves conservatives? You don't know the meaning of the word. You condone adultery and no-fault divorce. You condone broken homes. Women like you are the reason we have the problems we have with kids in this nation.