I think this is a minor setback. Next month with kids going back to school and college, things are bound to pick up. A lot of those kids will be quitting jobs and buying school supplies, so that should help.
As Margaret Thatcher said, "Don't go wobbly on me now!"
go take a look at where most of those "back to school items" are made. then tell me how selling that stuff is going to employ americans.
I dont see it as a setback. Just a thorn for the ever eager media to pinprick the Presidnet with.
How anyone thinks one month's numbers that are less positive than predicted, but still positive will 'sink' a strong presidency defies reason.
This election will be about security. The economy is strong, and will be so in November.
All this 'sky is falling' stuff is bunk. They should all stop griping and get out and work to make sure this President wins BIG in November.