There is nothing immoral about a carpetbagger is the voters want the carpetbagger. Heck, California needs some carpetbaggers. The carpetbagger charge bores me. We are one country by and large, and many places would benefit from fresh talent. Of course this particular candidate in this particular locale, is sort of like, well, I won't go there.
Like I said, we do not have to be fair to evil. Illinois belongs to God, not to Obama and evil 'rats, so there is nothing immoral for aman of God by invitation to accept hte offer and move there under these circumstances.
I am appealing to a greater good ethic/hierarchicalism: Since when does a candidate like Obama (who apparently would not even support a state version of the born infants alive act) have more of a right to serve in the Senate (even in Illinois) than a man who believes in God's word? Obama does NOT have more of a right.
Using God as the standard Alan Keyes has more of a right to represent Illinois than Obama does.