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To: flutters; GOP_Proud; ExSoldier; null and void; HipShot; freeperfromnj; LikeLight; liz44040; ...
GOP_Proud wrote the following over on the press conference thread:

It sounds like this guy, Hoosein, did mighty well for himself since coming here. Is it that common for an immigrant from Bangladesh, no less, to have enough money (even after the hard work of a few years) to be laundering large sums. Wouldn't it stand to reason that the money was coming from somewhere else than this pizzaria and rentals?

I know we have a lot of immigrants that come in and work 24 hrs a day to make it. I'm just questioning, having enough money for this laundering scheme to originate as "his" money. Didn't the money have to come from some other source, like the mosque members? Perhaps a bunch of them are actually in on it.


Recently there was a story about the large dollar volume of real estate being bought here in the United States by Saudi invesors.

All these terrorists need places to live. They need fake businesses to work at every day, so they can appear legitimate. Hypothetically:

Saudi money buys real estate - everything from rental housing units, to hotels and motels, to office complexes, to storage unit facilities, to warehouses, to high-rises, to gas stations, etc...

The terrorists cross the Mexican border and go to their assigned Mosque, where they are met by their handlers, who set them up in housing and in a fake business... How many of you have seen a small photocopy shop on a street that appears to have NO viable business traffic? They eat, sleep, and work amongst themselves, which is why no one ever reports their suspicious behavior:

They go their fake business in the daytime, read their encrypted internet postings and emails for their assignments. They use their photocopy and passport photo business to make fake documents, including ID cards to get into secure buildings, airports, etc. In the evenings, they go buy another two bags of fertilizer at the local store and take it to their storage unit. The next night, they go buy another couple gallons of diesel fuel and take it to the warehouse. On the weekend, they go to their warehouse and work on assembling the bomb.

Because they own ALL of these businesses and properties, except for the fertilizer store, they don't have any landlords or neighbors or co-workers who might otherwise report their suspicious behavior.

The day before the attack, they transport all of the fertilizer to the warehouse and finish the bomb. No one reports them missing from work because they all work for each other.

They load the bomb into one of their large trucks and head to the target. They drive into the basement of the high-rise building using the fake ID they have made. Kaboom.

Everyone take a look in your areas for small businesses run by ME's that have virtually no business traffic. You'll see.

1,585 posted on 08/05/2004 10:55:35 AM PDT by BagCamAddict (I support my Troops and my President!)
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To: BagCamAddict; GOP_Proud

Excellent insight. Thank you.

1,587 posted on 08/05/2004 11:02:10 AM PDT by HipShot (EOM couldn't cut the head off a beer with a chainsaw)
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To: BagCamAddict
Everyone take a look in your areas for small businesses run by ME's that have virtually no business traffic. You'll see.

The ME run Chevron/Quizno's where the tanker blew up on Saturday gets very little business..both shops [connected/family] are almost always empty.

1,606 posted on 08/05/2004 11:50:00 AM PDT by Indie (Ignorance of the truth is no excuse for stupidity.)
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To: BagCamAddict

Great dot connecting!

1,623 posted on 08/05/2004 12:24:26 PM PDT by texasbluebell
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